Home > Celebrity cases, Child Custody > Settlement achieved

Settlement achieved

It has been reported all over the news the Katherine Jackson, mother of the late Michael Jackson, and Debbie Rowe, mother of 2 of Michael Jackson’s 3 minor children, have reached an agreement regarding custody of Prince Michael I and Paris. The children will remain in the custody of their grandmother Katherine. With the assistance of a child psychologist to be paid for by Mrs. Jackson and Miss Rowe, the two older children will gradually be reintroduced to their biological mother. Arrangements whereby children are reintroduced over a period of time to a biological parent with the assistance of a mental health professional are not uncommon. The children will learn over time who this person is who (their biological mother). Eventually, they may spend time with her outside a therapeutic setting. The important thing to keep in mind is that, in most instances, including this one, the mental health professional is there not because the parent is a danger to the children, but because the children have had little to no dealings with this person for quite a long time. I suspect that these children will also need to get adjusted to something closer to a normal childhood – no more 3 am trips to the toy store.

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