
Archive for June 16, 2010

Money problems can lead to divorce – no surprise there

June 16, 2010 3 comments

This article identified some of the financial problems that may arise, not only in a poor economy, but in a stable economy, which could lead a couple to divorce. The article presents these points in a clear, easy-to-understand way.

The best way to combat some of these “relationship-enders” is communication. If spouses are open and honest with their concerns, financial or otherwise, the impact of many of these issues is lessened. I can not say that the issues will disappear completely. That will depend upon the ability of the spouses to work together to resolve any financial problems.

While it seems obvious, most people, when separating, tend to forget that it costs more to run two households on the same funds that they were using to run one household previously.

I always suggest that anyone contemplating a separation and/or divorce from a spouse meet with an attorney. During that meeting, the spouse should learn what his/her rights are and responsibilities will be in the event of a separation and divorce. Some people, realizing the financial cost to separation and divorce, decide the better course of action is to try to make the marriage work.

It is also important to keep in mind that the less expensive alternative to litigating a divorce may be mediation or some other form of alternative dispute resolution.

If you are in south eastern Pennsylvania and you want to talk more about your rights and responsibilities incident to a divorce or separation, contact me.